Research at the heart of healthcare
The complete merger of the research activities of the Spine Neurosurgery, Pain and Disability Surgery Department (NRDH), the Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Department and the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department (MPR).
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This axis, initiated by Pr Philippe Rigoard in 2008 with Arnaud Germaneau, focuses on the application of biomechanics to treat spine pathologies. From fundamental studies including numerical modeling and the creation of biomechanical evaluation devices, the objective of this axis is to develop new surgical approaches/ techniques, reducing their duration and increasing their precision.

The pain axis focuses on the assessment, management and treatment of chronic pain using innovative devices. One of the strong themes of this axis is the clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of implanted neurostimulation in patients with chronic pain refractory to conventional therapies. The second theme lies in the development of a software, PRISMap, allowing to objectively and multidimensionally assess the pain and health of patients from artificial intelligence.

The disability axis aims to improve the autonomy and rehabilitation of people with disabilities. This axis explores new therapeutic approaches, such as cryoneurotomy to treat spasticity through a PRHC-National. The optimization of the patient journey is a strong theme with the creation of an innovative digital platform for patient follow-up during its management at the CHU to its attending physician and other care professionals.
Investigators and Co-Investigators
All interns involved in projects
InternsPain assessment
The PRISMATICS team, led by Professor Philippe Rigoard, has developed an application allowing the measurement and monitoring of pain. Patients color the painful areas on a tablet, indicating the intensity and type of pain, allowing precise measurement of the painful area. A patented process makes it possible to transform the pixels into cm² in real time and thus provide information on the surface according to the intensity of the pain. The application helps to monitor the evolution of pain and evaluate the effectiveness of therapies. It also includes questionnaires on quality of life, anxiety, depression, and functional abilities for a comprehensive assessment of the patient's condition.

The multidimensional assessment of pain
The PRISMATICS team has developed an innovative application to evaluate pain in an objective and multidimensional way: the MCRI, a complete multidimensional index to evaluate chronic pain by integrating pain intensity, painful area, quality of life , emotional state and functional abilities of patients. Thanks to a digital interface and machine learning techniques, this score offers a holistic and precise assessment. The objective of this tool, triple patented, is to better document the state of health of patients suffering from chronic pain and to provide support to the clinician in the care of their patients.
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